I've written a number of handouts for national math olympiad training camps. Recommended handouts are indicated with a 🌟.
Graphs, Graphs, Graphs - 2025 Canada Winter Training
Graph theory, from handshaking to Caro-Wei. Hints to problems are included in the back.
Projective Geometry - 2021 Canada Summer Training
Basics on projective geometry.
A Few (Geometry) Problems - 2021 Canada Summer Training
A few interesting problems with a different flavour from olympiad geometry.
Incircles - 2021 Canada Summer Training
Some simple facts about incircles and some not-so-simple problems about incircles.
Complete Quadrilaterals and the Miquel Point - 2021 Canada Summer Training
A closer look at a general configuration. Please let me know if you solve C7.
Ratio Chasing - 2021 Canada Winter Training
Powerful applications of Ceva's, Menelaus's, and Law of Sines. Still counts as synthetic.
Weird Geometry - 3020 Canada Summer Training
A grim prediction of olympiad geometry 1000 years in the future.
Tangent Circles - 2020 Canada Summer Training
TL;DR either use inversion or look for a Miquel point. Sometimes both.
A Few Configurations - 2020 Canada Winter Training
Around the orthocenter, incenters and excenters, and isogonal conjugates.
Number Theory